257. Master Bathroom Update

Remember back in December when I got the best Christmas present ever?

Well, what was supposed to be a basic, make it functional face-lift has turned into a full blown renovation project.  We’ve run into a lot unexpected issues, and it’s taken a lot longer than expected, but we’re halfway done!  The vanity area is officially completely done.





I love how the square soap dispenser plays against the faucet and sink!

Remember the nasty ass tile in the shower?  Well, we cleaned that up and attempted to re-grout it only to discover that the wall was totally moldy and rotted out.  It all came down: the tile, the dry wall, the ceiling.

So far we’ve gotten the new green board drywall hung.  Hopefully we’ll get the tile up soon – the next four weekends already have things booked on either Saturday or Sunday!  Once the tile is hung we’ll be good to go!!!

I have pictures of the shower, but they’re trapped in my good camera until I locate the battery charger.  Once I free them I’ll be sure to share!

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